COMPLEX PTSD & ME: Surviving the Effects of a Poisonous Child Abuser III Delve into a mind that developed and adapted very differently from early childhood. See the world through the eyes and dreams of someone who struggles with severe complex post-traumatic stress disorder after decades of torture and abuse at the hands of a brutal, psychotic maniac. Michael uses a hint humor and a tinge of sarcasm to discuss severe c-PTSD in a way that is easily understandable and relatable. He includes all the technical jargon needed to understand the clinical background of the illness, but he describes the effects in a concise and personal way in his own words. Through it all, he was able to thrive and lead a fulfilling life and you can do the same. This book, third in a series, is filled with tragedy and triumph, nightmares and wonder. Michael writes with passion and inspiration from the heart. An honest exploration into a world unseen by most. Whether or not you have personally experienced abuse, or c-PTSD, this book is for anyone who appreciates the struggles of our human existence. Get in-depth looks at the abuser, the abused, and the circle of life surrounding them all. Disorders associated with PTSD are included and discussed. This book may be challenging at the darkest times, cringe-worthy at the deepest times, and downright funny some of the time, but it is not an easy one to put down once you've started.
Kindle eBook ASIN: B0968MFSLV
ISBN: 13-979-8512790205 Paperback
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